The Team

Michael Brandl

As former managing director of the German national association for beverage cartons FKN and its subsidiaries ReCarton and Palurec, I’m not new in the (U)BC business, but I am looking forward to extending my knowledge to a European scale. My target with EXTR:ACT will be to discover and form coalitions on a PAN-European level in order to make recycling in all aspects really happen.

E: M: +49 171 733 744 5

Raymond De Schrevel

Within EXTR:ACT I am responsible for business development, finding new and interesting initiatives and innovations that support our mission and are of value to our members. I like to deep dive into the technology, but am aware that a feasible business case is always the basis for a successful development. Plotting all sales and recycling initiatives on the map of Europe with the time as variable, will give us a strategy where to go first and what to do next.

M: +49 151 2323 5665

François Rui

My expertise is based on a 22-year experience in the paper and board industry, supplying solutions in chemicals and recycling process equipment. My role by EXTR:ACT is to serve our members with expertise about data analyses all around Europe and recycling information related to beverage cartons and multi-material packaging. Knowing where in Europe are existing and future recycling activities, understanding the flows and whole the value chain, will allow to reach a high level of sustainability of these products, and will reduce our carbon footprint.

M: +49 151 7444 3808

We are hiring!

Give us a call when interested in a job at EXTR:ACT e.V.

The EXTR:ACT office is based in Frankfurt, Germany. The team’s role is:

  • To manage the operations of the organisation
  • To run common projects
  • To support and serve its members,
  • To align its members on common positions, sector goals and commitments
  • To build, maintain and provide expert knowledge on the recycling value chain of beverage cartons

The EXTR:ACT-Team is strongly supported by two Working Groups:

Technical Working Group TWG:

Technical experts, nominated by the members, not only for recycling technology but also for R&D.


  • Consult and support with knowledge and data.
  • Evaluate and prioritise new and existing projects.
  • Develop and help to install agreed methods with other parties.
  • Foster collaboration, networking and confidence.

Action fields:

  • Packaging: composition and their recyclability.
  • Recycling:
    • Technology: collection, sorting, pulping, PolyAl, chemical recycling.
    • Evaluate and promote/create value for the recovered materials after the recycling process such as: fibre, r-LDPE, r-HDPE, r-Alu.
  • Linking R&D closer to recycling.

If required, special task forces for detailed issues and projects can be implemented. 


Recycling Consulting Group RCG:

Experts from members, National Associations, regional representatives


  • Transparency and knowledge sharing to support and optimise regional but also cross-border activities for a successful running of UBC-/multi-material recycling.
  • Develop best practices by exchange of experiences.
  • Foster collaboration and networking.

Action fields:

  • Optimize fibre recycling, PolyAl, sorting, collection.
  • Explore and establish partnerships/ look into new technologies.
  • Logistics: cross-border flows and optimisations.
  • Explore new applications/markets for secondary materials.