by Raymond De Schrevel | Aug 1, 2022
Palurec GmbH was founded in December 2017 by Fachverband Kartonverpackungen für flüssige Nahrungsmittel e.V. (FKN – Association for Beverage Cartons) who is the sole shareholder, with its headquarters in Berlin. There are three companies in the association, Tetra Pak...
by Raymond De Schrevel | Aug 1, 2022
PlastiGram Industries a.s. operates in Sokolov (CR) a chemical separation plant for paper rejects.Their input of 16kt/ is via several cleaning processes and a chemical separation step formed into high quality, low aluminium containing (<0,2%) r-LDPE, that can be...
by Raymond De Schrevel | Aug 1, 2022
EcoPlasteam is the first large scale operational polyAl recycler in Europe, located in Spinetta Marengo (IT). EcoPlasteam operates a patented process, where paper rejects are cleaned from impurities and contamination. The polyolefins and aluminium are custom specific...
by Raymond De Schrevel | Aug 1, 2022
ReconPolymers is a private owned company delivering solutions for daily environmental solutions. They are developers of equipment, but also operate the first line for 7,5 kt/a input material in Roosendaal (NL). Using an innovative dry separation process, they have a...
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